The most important thing to learn during pregnancy is how to breathe. If you ask me what is there to learn in this, since it is a natural mechanism, observe your breathe for some time, you might have doing short and very shallow breathes. The proper breathing technique makes a world of a difference especially in pregnancy because it helps each and every cell.

Deep breathing in pregnancy:
Do you know that 70% of your body’s toxins are released through your breath. If you are not breathing properly the other detoxifying parts of your body have to work extra time.
Pregnancy is prone to morning sickness especially if you’re in your first trimester. To deal with morning sickness, you can use calm deep breathing for help.
Deep breathing improves your body’s blood circulation, which is good for you and for the growing life inside you. It can help transport nutrients and oxygen well to the baby and result in healthy baby growth.
It helps you in boosting your immune.
Deep breathing can help you in providing relaxation and also helps you to dive into a soothing and rejuvenating sleep.
Deep breathing helps in providing relief from achy joints and muscles.
It helps you to deal with mood swings, stress, anxiety, depression, feeling low and also helps you in coping with some unwanted advices.
Patterned breathing techniques in labor:
Patterned breathing techniques are highly beneficial in labor management. There are also specific breathing patterned breathing techniques for each stage of labor. Patterned breathing techniques triggers the release of endorphin,which are body’s natural pain killer. It can help you deal with the labor pain easily.It keeps you relaxed and makes you to concentrate and work for your baby. Learn Patterned breathing techniques from a certified childbirth educator and enjoy the miraculous event of your life, that is childbirth.