A healthy pregnancy is closely related to the couple’s health before conception. Very often we find couples struggling for pregnancy. The food we eat has a significant effect on our fertility. Today I’m going to share two foods that are so good for couples who are trying to get conceive or even just thinking about it.

People quote Strawberry as a fruit of romance, I think we should give that status to Banana. Bananas are rich in vitamin A, B1, B6 and C. Along with this, it has a rare enzyme called Bromelain. It has been shown to regulate sex hormones and increase the sperm production and libido in male. Banana is a rich source of Potassium too. Potassium plays a vital role in improving male and female fertility by improving the quality of the sperms and egg. The right time to eat banana is to eat it half an hour before the breakfast. Moringa leaves (Drumstick leaves) are densely packed with rich nutrients. It is believed to be very helpful in keeping healthy reproductive system. It prevent and address fertility issues in both male and female. It increases male libido and found to improve the sperm quality. Since it is rich in folic acid, it prevents your baby from neural tube defects (neural tube defects occur in first 28 days of conception i.e. even before a woman knows that she is pregnant). And yoga asanas like Janu shirasana, Balasana, Baddha konasana and many more like this are found very effective in boosting fertility. A right fertility diet, fertility yoga or right physical activity, right sex timing and a stress free lifestyle can make couple conceive healthier and sooner too. UYIRMEI Preconception classes teach you all these things and help you to have a healthy conception.